
The Birth Of FF V4

2005-02-24 12:00:00 GMT

It may be happiness, or just sheer relief, but I am pleased to announce that today marks the launch of Footy Forecaster V4. If you ever visited the V3 site, you'll immediately realise that there's been a whole host of changes. To name but a few, there's a new forecasting model, "fair prices" and probabilities are now forecast for each match, there's a form guide for each league, you can select your own font size for optimal viewing, and I've thrown in an extensive HTML makeover for good measure.

A lot more will be coming in the very near future, with a particular emphasis on forecasting the final ladder or table for each league. You'll also soon be able to comment on these blog entries and, more importantly, comment on forecasts for each round. Consequently, this site will soon be a place where you can share your thoughts with like-minded tipsters.

The impending commencement of the Super12 season precipitated a release a little earlier than I would have liked and therefore you may notice a few anamolies. OK, so that's just a euphemism for bugs. Nonetheless, please cut me some slack as I fine-tune in the coming weeks, and please don't hesitate to report any bugs to me via the Contact page.

In the meantime, I hope you find the site useful because I've certainly put my heart and soul into it. I'll leave you with this advice: don't ever try to draw five footballs and a mobile phone using Microsoft Paint.


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